Saturday 24 March 2012

Shakespeare Post Three

For the twitter discussion over what is the difficulty of Shakespeare, I completely agree with the following things: "Shakespeare is difficult due to the fact that language is changing everyday, whether beneficial or not, it is constantly changing" "Shakespeare isn't enjoyed because of the writing style and time period it was written in" "Analysis of every colour and symbol is an absolute deal breaker" "The Shakespearean setting is one of the least relative settings to our current life"

Things that I did not agree with are: "Shakespearean language is bad" "Reading Shakespeare out loud in class is difficult"

Study Strategy For Things I Have A Prejudice Against: I will always attempt to relate things I disagree with to agreeable points, or I will look at what or why I don't agree with a fact, causing me to memorize the information. Most of the time I just buckle down and learn even though it is against my beliefs or lack of. Having a prejudice does not mean I cannot learn it, I in lament terms "man up".

How can a student overcome a disliking of a subject or teacher: My strongest advice towards overcoming a personal struggle with a subject or teacher would be to teach the subject to yourself or try to learn from fellow peers. Usually, if one does not enjoy a subject, it is because they don't enjoy the way it is being taught.

Therefore, one should always try to search for other outputs of information such as: peers, videos, tutors, or other teachers of the same subject. As for disliking Shakespeare, one must look towards the reason of a disconnection. Shakespeare was not meant to be read, therefore the most common problem is the inability to interpret and visualize the language. To solve this, a student can always look towards movies or theatrical presentations of the play they are having difficulty with. Quite simply, one must always understand motives and mindsets of characters.

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