Sunday 4 March 2012

Personal Learning Network : Webquest #1

1. A PLN is a personal learning network.
2. Three elements of a good PLN are :
Interconnection: the ability to interact with other human beings and ability to share thoughts and information with ease.
Organization: An easily navigated format of a network, possibly containing multiple sects in which discussions of multiple subjects would take place.
Technological Intrigue: The ability to capture attention of younger users such as students through the use of technology.
3. With the use of a personal learning network, any post secondary education would benefit through the increase ease of clarification of problems or misunderstood course content. A student would have the chance to learn from other classmates or others within their profession`s direction and be able to ask questions and receive valid responses.
4. Potential employers within the realm of IT would definitely take kindly to a well formatted online portfolio rather than a paper portfolio. An online portfolio would demonstrate comprehension of one`s own field of work, and would give the applicant an edge over other potential employees.
5. My current online footprint is extremely employer friendly due to the fact that I rarely use online media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, or any other form of a online network. With such, I have evaded the problems and mistakes of teenagers and youths, with photography of alcoholic beverages in the hands of underage consumers, and the use of illegal narcotics. To improve my online footprint, I could improve the design of my current Facebook profile and perhaps become more active, allowing for an increased flow of information and understanding of myself. Though, I don't believe that to be ultimately necessary. 

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