Tuesday 20 March 2012

Misleading Wikipedia Character: The Tempest: Prospero

         Upon the wiki page about the character Prospero, the authors provide the information that Prospero is an outcast as well as a magician. They mention that Prospero and his daughter were sentenced to death, but managed to evade the death toll by finding safety upon an island. Lastly, they make a short description of his magic works and the fact that he decides to renounce them in the end.
        The problem with the wikipedia page is that it is misleading in the following forms:

1: Prospero saves multiple people from a death upon the destruction of an enemy ship, proving his protective side and power. While in the wiki page he is portrayed as only protective of himself and his

2: There is also no mention of the feud between Prospero and his brother, which Prospero wishes to have vengeance upon for exiling and removing his rightful title to royalty.

3: Prospero believes in providing the best for his daughter, which he does by causing anyone seeking a relationship with his sister a struggle to achieve such a thing. This is because he only wishes to have the best for his daughter, proving that he is also a loving being, not just a lost soul upon a lost island as which he is portrayed within the wikipedia post.

4: Furthermore, Prospero is a forgiving person because he absolves his brother of his unjust doings even though Prospero could have died due to his work. This is misinformed within the wiki posting because the information upon wikipedia makes it sound as though even though he renounces his magical powers, he never renounces his pact of vengeance against his brother, let alone mentions such a thing.

5: Lastly, Prospero upon the wiki post never makes it off the island, which is contrary to fact. Prospero in fact does manage to leave the island once forgiving his brother and renouncing his magic. He also regains his title as a Duke of Milan.

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